Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Title: "Siblings Without Rivalry"
Authors: Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish
Rating (1-10): 10
Reviewed by: Abby


I don't know if there's anything more crazy-making that I've experienced as a parent so far than my kids fighting and competing with each other! I turned to Parents As Teachers for help managing my children's relationship with each other, and this is the book they recommended to me. This book is not only a good read, but is also very comprehensive, thorough, realistic, psychological (talks alot about feelings) and practical (gives nuts and bolts solutions to problems which arise between siblings). Although many of the suggestions work best for older children, I have been able to apply the skills and tools I learned from reading this book successfully with my young children as well (and achieved positive results). It is definitely a book I would highly recommend to anyone with multiple children, or who is preparing to have multiple children. Even if blatant manifestations of rivalry don't appear between children - there's alot of helpful advice on how to manage your relationship with each of your children (so that each child's needs are met), and how to help them develop healthy relationships with each other.

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